Study Effect of Film Thickness of Articular Cartilage with Couple Stress Fluid on Performance Improvement of the Human Knee Joint


  • Enas Yahya Abdulluh Islam , Kufa University-college of education foe girls , Najaf, Iraq


Knee joint, synovial fluid, journal bearing, elastic, porous.


In human knee joint synovial fluid film , covers the surface porosity of cartilage within the joint space .Knee joint acts as journal bearing in mechanical system .In this study determine the characteristic film action with different mechanical lubrication during daily active on the basis modeling thickness of cartilage in the human knee joint  to obtain detailed analysis for pressure film that it changed through flow synovial fluid film ,load carrying capacity ,friction force , coefficient of friction and time approach  that synovial fluid reduces in it . A theoretical analysis of film thickness in articular cartilage for long partial journal bearing lubrication by synovial fluid with couple stress ,assumed  to be non-Newtonian is presented during joint activities and the influences .The model of knee joint has been taken geometrically as  surface elastic porous journal bearing under  different lubrication during stance phase and swing phase. Typical physical  values of the knee joint has been taken from measure values in literature .The problem of  layer thickness articular cartilage in knee joint has been solved numerically for various couple stress fluid and film thickness parameters with each other with effect of varying pore size surface on articular cartilage. Increasing values of the couple stress and film thickness parameters increases the pressure film ,load carrying capacity and outfits a longer time to ban cylinder Plan surface contact and reduction coefficient of friction .


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How to Cite

Abdulluh, E. Y. (2016). Study Effect of Film Thickness of Articular Cartilage with Couple Stress Fluid on Performance Improvement of the Human Knee Joint. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 26(1), 20–38. Retrieved from


