Power Conversion Model and Simulation of Grid Connected Solar and Wind Hybrid System
Grid connected system, Hybrid PV/Wind, Power conversion model, PV System, Wind power system.Abstract
This paper deals with system model, power conversion process, and conversion control of grid connected solar-wind hybrid system. The contribution of the installed PV capacity is 80 kW, and 30 kW of wind turbine which are connected in parallel to a common DC-link bus. As the three levels three stages of voltage source grid inverter is connected to this DC-link bus, the stable bus voltage i.e. 600 VDC is maintained by controlling both of the DC-DC boost converters to the PV side and to the permanent synchronous wind turbine side via a rectifier. The power integration to the utility grid of 11 kV line is performed by the grid inverter through a three phase step-up transformer rated with 400 V/ 11kV, 120 kVA. The power conversion process is taken by considering the variation of solar radiations, PV cell temperatures, and wind speeds. By the help of the power conversion control, the total generated electrical power from the hybrid system can be injected to the utility grid line. In this paper, each of the proposed hybrid system components are developed in MATLAB/Simulink model for observing the feasibility of the available injected power to the grid line under the nature variations of the input power sources. The maximum power point tracking method is approached for getting effectiveness of the available maximum utilization power from the hybrid sources. The control technique of sinusoidal pulse width modulation is applied for generating control pulses of the controllers used in power conversion process. The grid synchronization is performed by the grid inverter control with phase lock loop with grid voltage. This paper mentions and makes discussion briefly about the observations from the simulating results of the proposed overall power conversion model.
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