The Percusioscope SPS


  • Mohamed Al-helfawi MmedSci. Sheffield Kidney Institute. UK, Medical Tripoli Centre-Department of Nephrology.Tripoli-Libya, kortoba.39-5


Stethopercusioscope, Sthetovibrascope, Sthetopercussio vibrascope, Sthetopercussio vibrascope.


As it has been known in the medical  practice that completion of a complete  medical examination for any patient In the examination  room at the hospital  by the physician, must  pass the four stages of clinical examination  namely :

  1. Inspection, means looking to the patient to discover or note any abnormality.
  2. Palpation, for any abnormality that can be felt by hands especially abdomen.
  3. Auscultation, to hear  sounds like intensity of  breading sounds, gases in abdomen, heart sounds.
  4. Percussion, is a method of tapping on a surface to determine the underlying structure, and is used in clinical examinations to assess the condition of the thorax or abdomen.

Here after completion of the above stages of clinical examinations and interpretation of our finding, we will Know the full story of what the patient is suffer from and eventually we reach the diagnosis. So we conclude that auscultation has brought a significant success in the field of medical diagnostics. The other significant diagnostic procedure of clinical diagnosis is the percussion which has been done manually nowadays  by using our hand fingers and this procedure is hard and not  so precise, from here the idea and design of  the percusioscope has been innovated to produce a diagnostic simple instrument that eliminate the manual procedure into a mechanical or electric one as will be explained in this abstract.


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How to Cite

Al-helfawi, M. (2018). The Percusioscope SPS. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 49(1), 40–50. Retrieved from


