Investigation of Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Allium Wallichii Kunth (Garlic) Bulb


  • Dr. Mi Mi Yee Department of Chemistry, Panglong University, Myanmar


Allium wallichii Kunth, Phytochemical, DPPH and EDXRF elemental Main text.


Garlic can high fully be called one of nature’s wonderful plants with leading power. In this research work, the bulb of Allium wallichii Kunth (garlic) was collected from Panglong area, southern Shan state. It is known that garlic (Allium wallichii Kunth.) possesses antimicrobial, antiprotozoal, antimutagenic, antiplatelet and antihyperlipidermic properties. From the presence research work, the following inference could be deduced. The preliminary phytochemical investigation indicated that alkaloids, ?-amino acids, flavonoids, saponins, phenolic compounds, glycosides were present and tannin, starch and reducing sugar were absent.  The nutritional value of garlic were determined by AACC method, it was show that (60.22%) of moisture, (1.25%) of ash, (5.15%) of proteins, (0.69%) of fibre, (0.1%) of fat and (32.63%) of carbohydrate. Elemental analysis of garlic sample was determined by EDXRF method. It was found that Ca (56.489%), K (40.207%), S (0.927%), Si (0.926%), Mn (0.656%), Fe (0.434%), Cu (0.131%), Zn (0.130%), and Rb (0.100%) were present in garlic. The vitamin C contents was observed (27.455mg) in the samples by using titration method. Antioxidant activities of two solvent extracts, such as ethanol and water extracts, were determined by DPPH assay. Water extract exhibits higher DPPH radicals scavenging activity (IC50 = 1.21?gmL-1) than that of ethanol extract (IC50 = 2.10 ?gmL-1). In vitro, antimicrobial activity of some crude extracts (EtOH, MeOH and H2O) of garlic was screened by agar-well diffusion method. H2O extract of garlic was found to exhibit potent of antimicrobial activity (25mm) against on B.sub, S.sureous, P.seudomonus, B.pumalis, Candida and E.coli.


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How to Cite

Mi Yee, D. M. (2019). Investigation of Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Allium Wallichii Kunth (Garlic) Bulb. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 54(1), 30–41. Retrieved from


