Institutional Factors and Implementation of Strategic Plans in Program for Appropriate Technology in Health: A Case Study of Kisumu County, Kenya


  • John Oketch Mireri Program Manager, American International Health Alliance, Kenya
  • James Oringo Program Manager, American International Health Alliance, Kenya


Institutional Factors, Strategic Plans, Appropriate Technology.


Strategy implementation is continually becoming a key challenge for organizations in these modern times. The business context in which Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) is operating is an ever-changing environment. The organization has been faced by challenges in implementing their strategies such as lack of strategic consensus and clarity, little reward, no relief from normal responsibilities for implementers, coordinating and integrating activities of participating individuals and functions and lack of honest upward conversations about barriers and underlying causes by top-down management style. In this regard this study sought to determine the influence of institutional Factors on successful implementation of strategic plans in PATH. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the influence of communication, organizational structure, resource allocation and organizational culture on successful implementation of strategic plans. The study was guided by contingency theory, the cybernetics theory and the resource dependency theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The unit of analysis was PATH and the unit of observation was 10 managers and 80 support staff of PATH. A census of 90 respondents was carried out. Questionnaires were used as data collection instruments. Descriptive statistical analysis such as mean and standard deviation was used to analyze quantitative and presented in terms of tables, frequencies, graphs and charts. Multiple regression analysis was carried out to analyze data. The study revealed that communication, organizational structure, resource allocation and organizational culture positively and significantly influenced strategy implementation. The study concludes that communication helps management of PATH to share its mission, vision and values with employees and to achieve specific goals.

The structure of PATH helps in streamlining operations, improving decision making, operating in multiple market locations, enhancing customer service, and boosting employee performance and creativity. Resource allocation helps PATH to improve effectiveness and efficiency of activities in order to make savings that will improve the overall implementation of strategic plan of the organization. The organization’s culture is often the most important determiner in successful implementation in PATH. The study recommends that the management of PATH should not over rely on written communication by presenting the strategic plan in many different ways and be creative with how they present your plan. The management of PATH should pinpoint the key functions and tasks requisite for successful strategy execution, reflect on how the strategy-critical functions and organizational units relate to those that are routine and to those that provide staff support, make strategy-critical business units and functions the main organizational building blocks, determine the degrees of authority needed to manage each organizational unit. The management of PATH needs to have sufficient funds and enough time to support strategy implementation. The management of PATH should adopt a culture that is dynamic, flexible and adaptive.


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How to Cite

Oketch Mireri, J., & Oringo, J. (2019). Institutional Factors and Implementation of Strategic Plans in Program for Appropriate Technology in Health: A Case Study of Kisumu County, Kenya. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 56(1), 50–61. Retrieved from


