Histological and Immunocytochemical Studies on the Buccal Minor Salivary Glands in Rabbits


  • Ghofran F. AL-Jubuori Laboratory investigation Department, College of Sciences, University of Kufa , Iraq
  • Wafaa H. AL-hashemi Basic Sciences Department, College of Dentistry, University of Kufa, Iraq
  • Akram . Y. Yasear Basic Medical Sciences Department, College of Dentistry, University of Kerbala, Iraq
  • Mohammed E. mansur


ducal gland, minor salivary glands and myoepithelial cells


Buccal minor salivary glands are continuously produced saliva ,which is important to lubricate the buccal mucosa.Buccal glands were collected from thirty adult male rabbits. Wall of cheek were removed from anesthetized rabbits at the place of  buccal glands. Paraffin sections stained of the glands were stained by  H and E stain, PAS reaction and alcian blue (pH 2.5) stain.   Immunocytochemistry to stain actin myofilaments of myoepithelial cell were applied. It’s were mixed glands, but predominantly mucous in rabbit. The serous cells were represented by demilunes capping mucous tubules together with small number of serous acini. The myoepithelial cells (MECs) were seen around the mucous secretory units and around the intercalated ducts and striated ducts .The MECs were positively stained immunohistochemically for actin myofilaments. The cells secreotory mucous acini  estimation of number and diamstter of ducts and thickest of connective tissue as well as number of acini mucous, serous acini and intercalated ducts and describe of the MECs.


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How to Cite

F. AL-Jubuori, G. ., H. AL-hashemi, W. ., Y. Yasear, A. ., & E. mansur, M. . (2019). Histological and Immunocytochemical Studies on the Buccal Minor Salivary Glands in Rabbits. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 59(1), 154–161. Retrieved from https://www.asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/5074


