Water Security in the Mekong River Basin Challenges, Causes and Solutions


  • Vu Nguyen Hoa Hong Lecturer of People’s Security Academy of Viet Nam, Van Quan Ward, Ha Dong District, Ha Noi


water, security, water security, Mekong River, challenge


Water, an essential element in sustaining life is of special importance to society and economic development. Although renewable, water resources are not infinite. It can be said that equitable and sustainable water resource management in the context of climate change is a challenge that all Mekong countries have been facing. The challenge becomes bigger in the context of water scarcity when the total amount of water is sharply decreasing and the water quality is declining, failing to meet domestic and industrial needs. Based on a study into the current situation of water security in the Mekong River, the author points out the basic challenges that threaten water security in the river basin. At the same time, the author discusses the reasons leading to this situation. Based on the research on the current situation of challenges and underlying causes, the author proposes a number of necessary solutions to cope with current and upcoming challenges. These solutions, including legal, diplomatic, economic and political solutions, should be implemented in a synchronized and long-term manner in the future.


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How to Cite

Hoa Hong, V. N. . (2020). Water Security in the Mekong River Basin Challenges, Causes and Solutions. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 64(1), 187–199. Retrieved from https://www.asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/5616


