Children and Mothers' Preferences of Dentists’ Attire in Public Daycare Centers


  • Rise Consolação Iuata Costa Rank Dr. Department of Pediatric Dentistry, University of Gurupi UnirG, Brazil.
  • Joana Estela Rezende Vilela Msc. Department of Medicine University of Gurupi UnirG, Brazil.
  • Aline Peixoto Oliveira Santos Pós-Graduate in Pediatric dentistry, CEULP/ULBRA, Brazil.
  • Marjorie Freitas Ávila Pós-Graduate in Pediatric dentistry, CEULP/ULBRA, Brazil.
  • Iara Priscilla Inacio de Freitas Pós-Graduate in Pediatric dentistry, CEULP/ULBRA, Brazil.
  • Rafaela Maynart Batista Pós-Graduate in Pediatric dentistry, CEULP/ULBRA, Brazil.
  • Tatiana Soares Lima Pós-Graduate in Pediatric dentistry, CEULP/ULBRA, Brazil.
  • Ivan Iuata Rank Graduating in Engineering, University of Gurupi UnirG, Brazil.
  • Juliana Batista da Silva Pós-Graduate in Public Health, UNOPAR, Brazil.
  • Rafaela Cristina da Silva Xavier Graduate in Biotecnology Engineering, University of Tocantins, Brazil.
  • Walmirton Bezerra Dalessandro Dr. Department of Medicine University of Gurupi UnirG, Brazil.
  • Fábio Pegoraro Dr. Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Gurupi UnirG, Brazil.
  • Vinicius Marinho Msc. Department of Community Health, University of Gurupi UnirG, Brazil.
  • Wataro Nelson Ogawa Dr. Department of Community Health, University of Gurupi UnirG, Brazil.


Children, parents, attire, dentist, preferences


According to the environment and appearance of the professional in the dental office, the child may have different emotional reactions. New designs and styles of clothing are emerging in the market and offered to health professionals. This study aimed to verify the preference of mothers and children from 3 to 6 years of age concerning dental attire. Material and Method. The sample had 621 preschoolers of both genders, age randomly selected in public daycare centers in 6 cities, covering the Brazil states of Tocantins, Goiás, Pará, and Bahia. The study was conducted with a child playful projective test and an interview questionnaire for the mothers. The results among children's preferences of dental attire from daycare centers in different cities showed a statistically significant correlation at the level of 5% (P < 0.0001). The mother’s preferences for attire showed a significant correlation at the level of 5 % (P = 0.0004). The children's preferences were for colorful attires, and their respective mothers prefer blue color. This selection has no cultural character nor for the family environment, as demonstrated in the various places the non-predominance of a single preference they mothers and their children. Preschool children were able to select their game options with this infant test.


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How to Cite

Costa Rank , R. C. I. ., Vilela, J. E. R. ., Santos, A. P. O. ., Ávila, M. F. ., de Freitas, I. P. I. ., Batista, R. M. ., Lima, T. S. ., Rank, I. I. ., da Silva, J. B. ., Xavier, R. C. da S. ., Dalessandro, W. B. ., Pegoraro, F. ., Marinho, V. ., & Ogawa, W. N. . (2020). Children and Mothers’ Preferences of Dentists’ Attire in Public Daycare Centers. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 70(1), 152–162. Retrieved from


