Analysis Over the Accuracy of Dynamic Formulas for Predicting Ultimate Load Capacity in Deep Foundations


  • Alcineide D. Pessoa Lecturer, State University of the Tocantina Region of Maranhão (UEMASUL), Imperatriz-MA, Brazil.
  • Gean Carlos L. Sousa Assistant Professor, Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), São Luís-MA, Brazil.
  • Gérson J.M. Anjos Associate Professor, Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Belém-PA, Brazil.
  • Rodrigo C. Araujo Associate Professor, Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), São Luís-MA, Brazil.


Ultimate Capacity, Dynamic Equations, Deep Foundations, Root Means Squared Error


In Civil Engineering, particularly in Geotechnics, several empirical methods, commonly referred to as dynamic equations, have been proposed for prediction of ultimate load capacity of driven piles. However, these formulas are admitted inaccurate and, so, there is a need to evaluate the results obtained by them. In this work a comparative analysis of the values ??obtained by five dynamic equations (Janbu, Danish, Gates, FHWA-Gates and WSDOT) with actual ultimate load capacities (obtained through pile load tests at site) is made. Errors are measured using the root mean squared error and the correlation between the equation´s results and the measured values ??is verified. The results showed important differences between the ultimate capacities obtained from the analyzed models and the real values verified in field tests. It was also verified a superiority, in terms of lower error and greater correlation, of the WSDOT and Danish formulas. Attempts were made to improve the methods. For this, coefficients were determined that, when multiplied by the results of the formulas, promoted a reduction in error. Once again, WSDOT presented best perform in terms of correlation and error.


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How to Cite

D. Pessoa, A. ., L. Sousa , G. C. ., J.M. Anjos, G. ., & C. Araujo , R. . (2021). Analysis Over the Accuracy of Dynamic Formulas for Predicting Ultimate Load Capacity in Deep Foundations. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 79(1), 66–78. Retrieved from


