Possibility of Using Floating Solar Photovoltaics in the Hybrid Energy Systems in the Islands of El Hierro, Spain and Crete, Greece
Crete, El Hierro, electricity, floating solar-PV panels, hybrid energy systems, pumped-hydro-storage, water damAbstract
Use of floating solar photovoltaics in man-made water dams is an emerging sustainable energy technology worldwide. Floating solar photovoltaics reduce the land area required for their installation, reduce water evaporation from water bodies while they have higher electricity yields. Aim of the current work is the investigation of the possibility of using floating solar photovoltaics in the hybrid energy systems in the islands of El Hierro, Canary islands, Spain and in Crete, Greece. The characteristics of the existed pumped-hydro-storage system in El Hierro and the planned pumped-hydro-storage system in Crete are used for the necessary estimations. Our results indicate that the annual electricity generation from the installation of floating solar photovoltaics in the existing pumped-hydro storage system in El Hierro, with 30% coverage ratio, corresponds at 6.09% of the annual electricity generation by the hybrid energy plant and at 4.6% of the total annual electricity consumption in the island. The annual electricity generation from the installation of floating solar photovoltaics in the planned pumped-hydro storage system in Crete, with 30% coverage ratio, correspond at 296.91% of the estimated electricity generation by the hybrid energy plant and at 22.14 % of the annual electricity consumption in the island in 2018. It is concluded that installation of floating solar photovoltaics in water dams in the abovementioned hybrid energy plants in these two islands could generate significant amounts of solar electricity complementing the generated wind and hydro power. Use of floating solar photovoltaics in these two islands transform the co-generation energy plants to tri-generation plants producing hydro, wind and solar electricity.
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