Analysis of the Opportunities and Challenges of Construction and Demolition Waste Management Methods Using PESTEL Analytical Tool


  • Oluwasegun Emmanuel Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Transport, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
  • Vsevolod Nikolaiev Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Transport, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland


Construction and demolition waste, PESTEL analysis, reduction, reuse, recycling, stakeholders, strategies, waste


The aim of this study is to analyse the construction and demolition waste (C&DW) management strategies using a management analytical tool. The literature study was carried out to identify the various C&DW techniques. This was followed by the administration of a questionnaire survey completed based on a five-point Likert scale and the results were assessed and analyzed using IBM SPSS version 26 software. The outcome demonstrated that the stakeholders in the construction industry are more concerned about the final cost of the project, quality of work and completion time than the management of C&DW. The use of site waste management plan, legislation on implementation of waste sorting, and development of a waste stream market were identified as the most effective waste management strategies which should be adopted by the construction stakeholders. The PESTEL (political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal) analysis was used to analyze the external risks to be considered in the management of the construction waste while the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis was used to identify the various strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat that can arise in the management of construction waste.


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How to Cite

Emmanuel, O., & Nikolaiev, V. (2023). Analysis of the Opportunities and Challenges of Construction and Demolition Waste Management Methods Using PESTEL Analytical Tool. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 92(1), 46–70. Retrieved from


