Candlenut Efficiency Analysis and Marketing Strategy (Aleurites moluccana) in Alor Regency


  • Ridwan Iskandar Postgraduate Agribusiness College Student, Sebelas Maret University Solo Indonesia Farming Faculty Teaching Staff
  • Suprapti Supardi Postgraduate Agribusiness College Student, Sebelas Maret University Solo Indonesia Farming Faculty Teaching Staff
  • Mohamad Harisudin


candlenut, marketing channel, marketing margin, farmer’s share, SWOT, QSPM.


Candlenut commodity is a featured farming commodity for farmers in Alor Regency. Candlenut marketing business with current marketing pattern has not shown equitable sharing of benefits among farmers, collectors and wholesalers (inter-island traders). This study aims to determine the pattern of candlenut marketing channels, candlenut marketing efficiency through the marketing margin approach and “farmer's share”, and to know what alternative strategies that are needed to improve candlenut marketing business in Alor Regency. The formulation of strategic alternatives conducted by SWOT analysis and continued with QSPM analysis for the determination of strategic priorities. The results showed that (1) Marketing channels of whole round shelled candlenut and crushed/mixed shelled candlenut consist of five marketing channels. (2) The most efficient and the best marketing channel of whole round shelled candlenut is the fourth channel, with the smallest marketing margin (11.85%) and the largest farmer's share (88.15%). The most efficient and the best marketing channels for crushed/mixed shelled candlenut is the channel I, with the smallest marketing margin (16.95%) and the largest farmer's share (83.05%); (3) The marketing strategies that can be implemented by the Government of Alor regency to support the improvement of candlenut marketing efficiency is to improve access to post-harvest modern technology through partnerships with large enterprises / partner companies outside the region and the capital increase to the marketing agents provided by the loan bank.


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How to Cite

Iskandar, R., Supardi, S., & Harisudin, M. (2016). Candlenut Efficiency Analysis and Marketing Strategy (Aleurites moluccana) in Alor Regency. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 26(4), 101–121. Retrieved from


