Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Natural Rangelands Exploited by Transhumance Cattle Herds in the Classified Forest of Upper Alibori, Northern Benin
Alibori, protected areas, Pastoralism, land use, anthropogenic pressure.Abstract
The natural rangelands of the Classified Forest of Upper Alibori (CFUA) are subject to strong anthropogenic pressures. One can question the capabilities of the classified forest sustainably support this level of control. The aim of this research is to assess the physiognomy changes recorded in these natural rangelands of this forest from 2000 to 2015. The diachronic approach from the Landsat images ETM + of 2000 and OLI-Tirs of 2015 were used. The transition matrix was produced using the Intersect function of the software ArcGIS 10.1. The results showed a regression of the forest formations in favor of the savannah and anthropogenic formations. The woodland and savannah woodland were the most affected because they almost disappeared in 2015. Its surface passed from 12.7 % in 2000 to 0.99 % in 2015. On the contrary, the agricultural areas (mosaics of fields and fallow land) increased from 15.3 % in 2000 to 33.2 % in 2015. In general, the vegetation of the natural rangelands of CFUA had undergone a major transformation mainly related to agro-pastoral activities and tree logging. Effects on the state of rangelands of transhumant herds in this classified forest have been observed through the degradation of vegetation cover. In a perspective of sustainable management of natural rangelands and securing pastoral resources of this protected area, it is therefore very important to put in place effective strategies for forest management, in order to participate in the restoration of extinct vegetation and the conservation of biodiversity.
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