The Effect of Giving Halal Curd to Pregnant Woman for 10 Days
Curd, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Probiotics.Abstract
The use of antibiotic drugs that are not in accordance with the rules and dosage will be able to cause resistance to the user. Therefore, the use of antibiotic drugs should be in accordance with the type of germs from the blood culture. Antibiotics need to be given carefully especially in pregnant women, children and elderly and people with chronic diseases with low immune system. In addition antibiotic can cause resistance and also damage organs such as liver and kidneys when is used for long periods and high doses. Many pharmacologists seek treatment solutions for antibiotic replacement and they find it as an option by increasing the immune system and providing foods that contain bacteriocin. Curd also has a bacterial anti-listeriosin that can kill some types of bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes. We conducted a study of 24 pregnant women who went to midwifery clinic and obstetric diseases General Hospital Royal Prima Medan from January 2017 to March 2017. This study method was using a cross-sectional analytical observation approach which the samples were taken from 20 pregnant women that were given 200 cc of curd and 4 pregnant women randomly. The result showed a significant difference of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) after the administration of curd.
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