Electronic Health Information Systems Critical Implementation Issues (E-HMIS): District Health Information Software Version.2 in the Greater Bushenyi, Uganda


  • Hussein Muhaise School of Computing and Information Technology, Kampala international University
  • Dr. Margret Kareeyo Senior Lecturer, School of Computing and Information Technology, Kampala international University


DHIS2, DHO, DSS, E-HMIS, Greater Bushenyi Districts Uganda, HIS, Information Systems.


This study focuses on identifying critical implementation issues for the electronic health information systems (E-HMIS) in view of District health Information Software version.2 (DHIS2) in the greater Bushenyi Districts Uganda. This is a system that was rolled out nationwide in August 2010 by Ministry of Health Uganda and for the past six years it is believed to have been operational. However, studies in the developing countries context like Uganda, E-HMIS continues suffer low success because several factors in the context of developing countries that are often not put in consideration before implementation [1, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 20, 24, 25]. A survey conducted in the five districts that make up the greater Bushenyi indicated that there was lip frog when implementing this system across the country because vital equipment and personnel were not prepared and put in place. The percentage of staff trained and dedicated to the electronic system is so low 22%, staff un skilled in computer applications 59%,  supply computers into health facilities is very low and most health facilities are not connected to any power source that are essential for system success. 

Author Biography

Hussein Muhaise, School of Computing and Information Technology, Kampala international University

School of Computing and Information Technology


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How to Cite

Muhaise, H., & Kareeyo, D. M. (2017). Electronic Health Information Systems Critical Implementation Issues (E-HMIS): District Health Information Software Version.2 in the Greater Bushenyi, Uganda. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 34(1), 205–212. Retrieved from https://www.asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/3217


