The Influence of Advertising on the Consumers Attitude Followers in Instagram Dagelan


  • Awalina Sri Wulan Postgraduate Master of Management, Faculty of Economy and Business
  • Dr. Maya Ariyanti S. E. M. M Telkom University (Universitas Telkom)


Advertising, Consumer Attitude, Social Media, Hedonic/Pleasure, Online Store.


Instagram is a digital promotion media with the biggest users in the world after acquired by facebook, which is great for promoting online shop products. Instagram Dagelan account became the object of this study to determine the factors of the influence of advertising on consumer attitudes. The purpose of this study is to test and analyze the effect of advertising on consumer attitude followers in instagram Dagelan. This research uses a research model from Ramaprasad and Thurwanger in 1998. This study used a sample of 100 people distributed through online. Based on the results of data processing, it can be seen that advertising on the variables of Credibility and Hedonic / Pleasure shows a high value, which means showing a significant effect on consumer attitude of  instagram Dagelan followers, and variables Informative and Good for Economy shows a low value which means do not have A significant influence on consumer attitude followers of instagram Dagelan. Based on the research results, to improve consumer attitudes who is Instagram Dagelan’s followers, Dagelan better advertise more fun like advertising an unique and funny characters that characterize Dagelan and advertising about the program discount of products/services displayed. Dagelan is also advised to form a special creative team to serve advertising services, and Dagelan can offer creative ideas to clients who want to post ther advertising in Instagram Dagelan. Dagelan provides a special email for advertising consultancy or advertising creation services.


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How to Cite

Wulan, A. S., & S. E. M. M, D. M. A. (2017). The Influence of Advertising on the Consumers Attitude Followers in Instagram Dagelan. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 36(1), 58–74. Retrieved from


