The Role of Modern Software and Applications in the Protection of Electronic Crimes



Information Security, protection of data and information from loss, unauthorized access, modification, deletion of change, safety and reliability.


That scientific development in information and flow techniques in recent years, electronic revolution make a lot of criminals take advantage of scientific inventions and progress of advanced means in the commission of many cyber crimes, and the introduction of other forms of criminality associated with these techniques Which becomes the object of these crimes, or means to commit, and these crimes have increased in the other two, in particular, are led to the dawn of a new criminal phenomenon, known criminality informational or crime-mail, play experience significant role in the proof of cyber crime through the information network, The proof in criminal concept is all that leads to the truth, and for the judgment of the accused in the crime after provable, which means to establish a proof of the crime.

Author Biography

Yasser Elmalik Ahmed Seleman, There are no affiliation to non academies

PhD in Computer Science


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How to Cite

Ahmed Seleman, Y. E. (2015). The Role of Modern Software and Applications in the Protection of Electronic Crimes. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 11(1), 164–168. Retrieved from