Knowledge and Practice towards Active Management of Third Stage of Labour, among Obstetric Care Providers Adama Town Governmental Health Facilities, Oromia, Ethiopia From September 12 to November 08 2019


  • Hunde Lami Adama hospital medical college public health department Adama, Oromiya, Ethiopia, Tel [+251 905313191], Fax [+251 022111 114i3]
  • Alem Deksisa Adama hospital medical college public health department Adama, Oromiya, Ethiopia


knowledge, practice, attitude, active, labour, 2019


Introduction: The third stage of labour is period between birth of the baby and complete expulsion of the placenta and membrane, which is risky period because of profuse Post-partum hemorrhages. It is prophylactic intervention composed of a package of three components or steps: It includes use of uterotonic immediately following delivery of the fetus, controlled cord traction and fundal massage immediately after delivery of the placenta, followed by palpation of the uterus every 15 minutes for 2 hours to assess the continued need for massage. Unfortunately, the knowledge and practice of obstetric providers toward active management of third stage of labour is disappointing when assessed as our country.  The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze knowledge and practice of active management of the third stage of labor among skilled birth attendants, Adama, Oromia, Ethiopia September 12 to November 08,2019. Method: Facility based cross sectional study was conducted to health facilities in Adama town, among randomly selected 117 obstetric providers, from September 12 to November 08, 2017. By using pretested semi structured questionnaires for knowledge assessment and observation checklists for practice. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS version 20 statistical software. Descriptive statistics was used for describing study participant and determining results. Binary logistic regression analysis was done and variable with p-value ?0.025 were entered into multi variable logistic regression analysis to characterize the association between the variables at P-value ? 0.05, at CI=95% for statistical significance.

Result: 117 health care workers who works in Adama town health facility were included in the study with response rate of 100 % (n=117), Out of which, 66.7% (n=78) were females and 61.5 %( n=72) were from health center. The mean age was 32.38 with SD ±5.55 years. 37.6% and 28.3% obstetric providers had knowledge and good practice on components of AMTSL respectively. Age less than 30 was 2.76 times more [AOR=2.76(1.05-7.27)], being female was 3.83 times less [AOR=3.83(1.39-10.57)] and Working at heath center 5.76times less [AOR= 5.76(2.12-15.67)] associated with knowledge. In addition to that obstetric providers working at health center was 3.63 times less [AOR=3.63(1.57-8.41] associated to practice. Conclusion and recommendation: In this study, knowledge and practice of obstetric care providers towards active management of third stage of labor is still very low. Since there is knowledge and practice difference between hospital and health centers it is recommended to plan for experience sharing and on job training especially for health centers staff. 


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How to Cite

Lami, H. ., & Deksisa, A. . (2020). Knowledge and Practice towards Active Management of Third Stage of Labour, among Obstetric Care Providers Adama Town Governmental Health Facilities, Oromia, Ethiopia From September 12 to November 08 2019. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 73(1), 128–142. Retrieved from


