Mediational Role of Phonological Awareness Skills in Phonological Working Memory, IQ and Reading Ability among Kindergarten Children’s


  • Abdulhameed S. Hassan Associate Professor , Sultan Qaboos University/Education College, Oman/Muscat/ Box 123,Pc 31


phonological awareness, phonological working memory, IQ, reading ability


The present study was designed to examine the relationship between phonological working memory, IQ and reading ability, through the mediation phonological awareness skills. Two hundred kindergarten children’s (100 boys & 100 girls; age ranged between 4 and 5 years) (M age =4.38), from 23 kindergartens attached to private schools in Muscat Governorate, Oman. The Phonological awareness skills was measured with “Phonological Awareness Test- Second Edition (PAT-2)” [34], the “Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP-2)” and phonological working memory [35]. The IQ was measured by Otis Lennon [36]. Mediational path analysis supported our hypothesized model. Result indicate that phonological working memory indirectly links to the reading ability of children, through phonological awareness skills, there was no direct effect of intelligence on phonological awareness, It was conclude that Memory, who have higher use more phonological awareness skills and their children show higher reading ability.


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How to Cite

Hassan, A. . S. . (2020). Mediational Role of Phonological Awareness Skills in Phonological Working Memory, IQ and Reading Ability among Kindergarten Children’s. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 73(1), 8–19. Retrieved from


