Analysis of Geomechanical Parameters of a Non-Typical Sandy Soil
Environmental geotechnics, Slope stability, Shear strength, Numerical modelingAbstract
Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill must have the stability of its slopes ensured. In this sense, it is necessary to investigate the stability of MSW landfills’ slopes in different scenarios. Therefore, in this paper, shear strength of a soil from a landfill cover layer, which was compacted with different moistures, was evaluated to obtain the needed parameters for numerical analysis. The methodology applied was experimental and numerical. Experimental tests comprise particle size analysis, compaction to determine optimal water content, compaction in optimal water content ±4 %, and direct shear tests with the compacted samples. Numerical analyses were performed once soil parameters for each direct shear test scenario were obtained. These analyses were developed by a software applying the limit equilibrium method improved by Morgenstern & Price aiming to evaluate the geomechanical behavior of the landfill slopes concerning different soil moistures. It was observed that the soil presented similar cohesion and factor of safety (FS) evolution for the different moistures. In contrast, friction angle and soil friction reduced as the water content increased. In conclusion, it was observed that the soil presented a higher shear strength when it was compacted at the optimal water content.
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