The Effects of Perceived Trust and Ease of Use on Adoption of Mobile Marketing in the Telecommunication Industry of Tanzania
Mobile Marketing, perceived ease of use, perceived trust, Technology AcceptanceAbstract
This study examines the effects of perceived trust and perceived ease of use on the adoption of mobile marketing in the telecommunications industry of Tanzania. Guided by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) it predicts the adoption of mobile marketing in the Telecommunications industry in Tanzania. Survey strategy was employed in data collection, using structured questionnaires and collected data from 5 municipalities, 73 wards and 6 hamlets, by using multi stage sampling of 406 respondents in Dar es Salaam. Quantitative data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. Findings indicate that perceived ease of use and perceived trust had positive and significant influence on the adoption of mobile marketing. We provide recommendations to the telecommunications companies to improve their mobile marketing products and services by making better products that are easy to use and trustworthy so as to conform to the needs of their customers.
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