Importance of Massularia accuminata (Myrtaceae), Piptadiniastrum africanum (Fabaceae), and Costus afer (Zingiberaceae), Three Plants of the Cameroonian Traditional Medicine Used in the Treatment of Sinusitis by the Village Populations of Bomb-Lissomb and
Costus afer, Massularia acuminate, Piptadeniastrum africanum, sinusitis, sustainable managementAbstract
Costus afer, Massularia acuminate and Piptadeniastrum africanum are three plants used in Cameroonian traditional medicine to treat sinusitis. The aim of this study is to justify the interest granted to this three species in the treatment of this disease and to promote their sustainable management. The study was carried out at Bomb-Lissomb and at the goat market. Several types of data were collected: data on the use of these plants in traditional anti-sinus medicine, data on their varied other uses by local residents, data on the availability of these plants as well as data on the interest that these species could generate. Furthermore, the evolution of treatment in patients who received plant extracts was followed after two months to justify their efficiency against sinusitis. The technique used for the removal of organs from the plant's vegetative growth was described. Finally, phytochemical screening of extracts obtained after aqueous maceration of plant organs was performed. Amongst the informants who took part to this study, 17 mentioned barks of Piptadeniastrum africanum and 29 mentioned fruits of Massularia acuminata to treat sinusitis. Treatments administered to patients are made either from monospecific recipes or from a mixture of two or three plants. The average duration of treatment is 29 days when patients are only treated with fruits of Massularia acuminata and 12 days when they are subjected to treatments based on a recipe made from stem barks of Piptadeniastrum africanum and fruits of Massularia acuminate. Treatment seems to be effective from the 2nd time the medication is taken. Harvesting techniques allowing large quantities of organs to be removed from a few individuals affects the regeneration of these individuals. Stems barks and leaves of Massularia acuminata contain almost the same bioactive compounds as fruits.
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