Yes, HCI Can Conciliate XBRL Financial Reporting Software and Their Users


  • Antônio Ricardo D’Araujo Amâncio Oliveira Programa de Pós Graduação em Sistemas e Computação - UNIFACS, St. Dr. José Peroba, 251 -6th floor- Stiep, Salvador - BA, 41770-235, Brasil
  • Artur Henrique Kronbauer Programa de Pós Graduação em Sistemas e Computação - UNIFACS, St. Dr. José Peroba, 251 -6th floor- Stiep, Salvador - BA, 41770-235, Brasil


XBRL financial reporting, HCI, HCI design, e-Government, G2G


This paper presents the results of a previously proposed research to mitigate the literature gap found between Human-Computer Interaction and Government to Government e-governance regarding the XBRL financial reporting area. This research conducted two usability and User eXperience evaluations with two different versions of an XBRL financial reporting software prototype. Initially the application provided XBRL knowledge abstraction and underwent HCI redesign to improve task efficiency. The results showed HCI design is a valid way to mitigate the XBRL knowledge required to elaborate XBRL financial reports problem, to improve XBRL financial reporting task efficiency, thus improving B2G and G2G e-Governance practices.


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How to Cite

Oliveira , A. R. D. A. ., & Kronbauer , A. H. . (2021). Yes, HCI Can Conciliate XBRL Financial Reporting Software and Their Users. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 78(1), 264–284. Retrieved from


