Sacoglottis Gabonensis as a Potential Preservative for Palm-Wine


  • Frank N. I. Morah
  • Idorienyin G. Robinson


Sacoglottis, gabonenesis, palm-wine, preservative.


The work focuses on prolonging the shelf-life of palm –wine with the stem bark extract of  Sacoglottis gabonenesis as preservative. The work shows that there is increase in acidity of pasteurized palm-wine with time. The rate of increase in acidity is drastically lowered in the presence of Sacoglottis gabonensis stem bark extract. This is concentration dependent as increase in the level of the extract resulted in decreased acidity. There is also an overall decrease in  pH with time hence an overall crease in acidity. The organoleptic properties like mouth feel, taste and flavour were also preserved in the wine in the presence of Sacoglottis gabonensis extract. The degree of retention of these organoleptic properties is also increased with increase in the level of the extract in the palm-wine. The work therefore shows that the Sacoglottis gabonensis stem bark extract will serve as a suitable preservative for palm wine and a local substitute for imported preservatives for wine making. 


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How to Cite

Morah, F. N. I., & Robinson, I. G. (2015). Sacoglottis Gabonensis as a Potential Preservative for Palm-Wine. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 13(1), 97–101. Retrieved from