Struggling with Intellectual Inertia: Reflection on Participation in Higher Education Fellow Programme


  • Razia Fakir Mohammad Associate Professor Department of Education, Iqra University Karachi Pakistan


self-inquiry, professional development, reflection


This paper analyses issues related to my professional journey of becoming a teacher. The key highlight of this paper is that teacher’s engagement in a dialogical self-regulated inquiry (individually and collaboratively) is essential and provides a unique ongoing mode of teacher development. The study was conducted over a period of six months during my participation in a certificate course on enhancing academic practices at the higher education level. The data and analysis include extracts from the portfolio developed during the course. The findings indicate that continuous examination of   my teaching and learning experiences pushed me to re-establish and escalate my journey towards becoming an effective teacher.  My analysis suggests that, to promote self-inquiry approach; relationship between work culture, teaching and professional development support needs to be strengthened in terms of its conduct, quality, purpose and use.


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How to Cite

Mohammad, R. F. . (2021). Struggling with Intellectual Inertia: Reflection on Participation in Higher Education Fellow Programme. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 81(1), 192–202. Retrieved from


