Survey on Path Planning of Mobile Robot with Multi Algorithms


  • Ali H. Al-Beaty University of Baghdad /Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Nemir Al-Azzawi University of Baghdad /Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ahmed R.J. Almusawi University of Baghdad /Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering, Baghdad, Iraq


Mobile robot, path planning, Fuzzy logic, Generic algorithm, Ant colony algorithm, A*algorithm


Sensible practical environment for path and continuous motion preparation problems usually involves various operational areas coupled with indoor usage comprising of multiple apartments, corridors, a few doors and several static and active obstacles in between. The disintegration of this system into limited areas or regions indicates an effect on the fun preparation of appropriate pathways in a complex setting. Many algorithms are designed to solve problems with narrow passages and with optimal solution for more than one field. Independent mobile robot gadget would have felt the stability of its abilities, the steadfastness and the question of resilience with the project and the implementation of an innovative as well as an efficient plan with the best approach. Navigation algorithms reaching a certain sophistication in the field of autonomous mobile robot, which ensures that most work now focuses on more specialized activities such as efficient route planning and navigation across complex environments. Adaptive way to prepare and maneuver needs to establish learning thresholds, legislation to identify areas and to specify planned requirements of the library. The aim of this survey is studying many algorithms to view the advantage and disadvantage for each method then can use optimal method depended on this study.


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How to Cite

Ali H. Al-Beaty, Nemir Al-Azzawi, & Ahmed R.J. Almusawi. (2022). Survey on Path Planning of Mobile Robot with Multi Algorithms. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 90(1), 161–174. Retrieved from


