Impacts of the Adoption of IFRS 16 for Companies with Intensive Use of Mobile Assets


  • Rodolfo Leandro de Faria Olivo PhD. Fundação Instituto de Administração -FIA, Brazil
  • Roberto Ricciardi MsC. Fundação Instituto de Administração -FIA, Brazil
  • George André Willrich Sales PhD. Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras - FIPECAFI, Brazil
  • Fabiana Lopes da Silva PhD. Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras - FIPECAFI, Brazil


IFRS 16, Accounting Off balance and In balance, Company value, Changes in Financial Statements, Mobile Assets, Mining segment


This study analysed through an event study if the IFRS 16 disclosure on January 2016 and its implementation on January 2019 affected the value of the companies. The IFRS 16 addresses the accounting for lease and its operation. Before its effectiveness, operating lease and rental were recorded in the financial statements as operating expenses, known as off-balance sheet. This change consisted in classifying the current operating lease and rental, changing the entry in the financial statement of “operating expenses” for “depreciation and interest”, without changing the total amount, that is, without impact on the profit for the year. According to the cash flow analysis, a change on the value of the company is not expected. The mining segment was chosen because it has an intensive use of mobile assets. This segment uses operating lease and rental in order to have available operational mobile assets. A total of 1002 companies on the Toronto, London, and Sydney stock exchanges were analysed on the two reference dates. Variations in abnormal returns suggested that the value of companies was affected by the IFRS 16 disclosure and implementation.


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How to Cite

Olivo, R. L. de F., Ricciardi, R., Sales, G. A. W., & Silva, F. L. da. (2022). Impacts of the Adoption of IFRS 16 for Companies with Intensive Use of Mobile Assets. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 85(1), 116–143. Retrieved from


