Composites: A Recurrent and Simuttaneously Current Innovation in the Aeronautics and Automobiles Sectors


  • idlla Holanda Pessoa Pio Materials Engineering Graduate Program, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piaui, Central Campus n° 94, Teresina, CEP 64000-040, Piaui, Brazil
  • Natanael Oliveira da Vera Materials Engineering Graduate Program, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piaui, Central Campus n° 94, Teresina, CEP 64000-040, Piaui, Brazil
  • Fernanda da Luz Barbosa Materials Engineering Graduate Program, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piaui, Central Campus n° 94, Teresina, CEP 64000-040, Piaui, Brazil
  • Érico Rodrigues Gomes Materials Engineering Graduate Program, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piaui, Central Campus n° 94, Teresina, CEP 64000-040, Piaui, Brazil
  • Ayrton de Sá Brandim Materials Engineering Graduate Program, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piaui, Central Campus n° 94, Teresina, CEP 64000-040, Piaui, Brazil
  • Valdeci Bosco dos Santos Federal University of Piaui, Bairro Ininga, 64049-550, Teresina, Piaui, Brazil
  • José Francisco dos Reis Sobrinho Materials Engineering Graduate Program, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piaui, Central Campus n° 94, Teresina, CEP 64000-040, Piaui, Brazil


composites, aeronautics, automaker, laminated design, polymer


Composite materials are the union of two (or more) materials in order to optimize and combine the best characteristics of both, offering superior properties to the remaining components, having versatility, lightness and performance, which boosted their use in the aeronautical and automakers, which in turn have always been synonymous with progress and innovations in various technological fields. In this sense, regarding the materials segment, this work aims to present a brief discussion on the importance of composites and their application in the mentioned industries. Therefore, a bibliographic review was conducted in books, articles and other academic works relevant to the subject. It was found that, in contrast to traditional metallic materials, composites currently account for more than 50% of the weight of modern aircraft, reflecting positively on the aircraft’s efficiency, cost, efficiency and greater flight autonomy. Also, when evaluating the Advances of Appliance of Composites in the Automotive Sector, Modern Applications stand out mainly for ballistic and collision protection purposes, referring to alumina dispersed in LDP and tempered laminates of polymer matrix, respectively.


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How to Cite

Holanda Pessoa Pio, idlla, Natanael Oliveira da Vera, Fernanda da Luz Barbosa, Érico Rodrigues Gomes, Ayrton de Sá Brandim, Valdeci Bosco dos Santos, & José Francisco dos Reis Sobrinho. (2022). Composites: A Recurrent and Simuttaneously Current Innovation in the Aeronautics and Automobiles Sectors. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 86(1), 27–38. Retrieved from


