The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security and Livelihoods In Zimbabwe: Assessing the Sustainability of Intervention Strategies Adopted In the Matabeleland South Province, Zimbabwe.
Climate change, impact, food security, livelihoods, adaptation, mitigation, sustainability, intervention strategies, ZimbabweAbstract
The study explores the knowledge levels held by communities about the impact of climate change on food security and livelihoods in Matabeleland South Province of Zimbabwe. The study identifies and describes how climate change has impacted on these variables; and establishes the types of micro-mechanism coping measures the communities have initiated to address challenges that frustrate attainment of their food security and livelihoods in this Province. The study goes further to identify the long term intervention strategies adopted; and subsequently assesses their sustainability towards ensuring food security and livelihoods. The study finally advocates for a more sustainable model of intervention strategies resilient enough to take care of, nurture and rehabilitate the natural resources base, the ecosystems and biodiversity. Such strategies are projected to be robust enough to withstand all forms of challenges that emanate from the dynamics and numerous impacts of climate change for the purposes of maintaining equilibrium in terms of serving the needs of the current and future generations. To achieve resilience, robustness and sustainability, the study brought on board the participatory concept and monitoring and evaluation elements to the intervention strategies to close the gap that exit in the strategies for continuity. The study reviews various journal papers, chapters in books, conference proceedings and summit meetings [14 , 70]. Articles relevant to the topic under review were utilised to show the gap(s), contradictions and silences in the existing knowledge base. The review process uses the desk type of research method.
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