Chronic Toxicity Assessment of Histological Changes and Micronuclei in Fish Cyprinus carpio L. After Exposed to Copper


  • Ahmed Hatem Al-Tamimi University of Baghdad
  • Ahmed J. Al-Azzawi
  • Mohammad A. Al-A'dhmi


Keywords, Copper, common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), gill, liver, kidney, muscle Histological Changes, Micronucleus Test.


This study was conducted to assess the histological changes of (gill, liver, kidney and muscle) and The micronucleus test were applied in circulating erythrocytes of in freshwater fish common carp, Cyprinus carpio after chronic exposure to copper. For chronic tests, the fish were exposed to different concentrations (0.5, 0.9 and 1.2 mg/L) of copper for 3 and 6 weeks. Control fish were maintained in parallel with the experimental groups. Several histological alterations were observed in the gills, including the epithelium of gill filaments and secondary lamellae, degeneration and congestion of secondary lamellae and short villi. The liver showed dilation in cells hepatic, degenerative and necrosis of hepatocyte cell with mild inflammatory cell and accumulation of cholesterol inside the cell. Regarding in kidney, Renal tissue showed congestion and haemorrhage with certain degeneration and necrosis of renal tubules tissue. In the muscle, showed mild hyalinization of the skeletal muscles fibres with the loss of interstitial fibres in between the muscles fibres and focal degeneration and necrosis with mild inflammatory cell infiltration. Micronucleus test was applied to evaluate the genotoxic effects of heavy metals on Cyprinus carpio. Results of micronucleus test showed a progressive increase in the percentage of micronuclei (P?0.001) with increases in the intensity of exposure of  copper. The obtained results showed that fish common carp, Cyprinus carpio erythrocytes are good models for cytotoxicity studies.

Author Biography

Ahmed Hatem Al-Tamimi, University of Baghdad

جامعة بغداد، قسم البيولوجياجامعة بغداد


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How to Cite

Al-Tamimi, A. H., Al-Azzawi, A. J., & Al-A’dhmi, M. A. (2015). Chronic Toxicity Assessment of Histological Changes and Micronuclei in Fish Cyprinus carpio L. After Exposed to Copper. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 13(1), 194–210. Retrieved from