Effectiveness of Public Participation Structures on Early Childhood Development Education Policy Implementation in Bomet County, Kenya


  • Edward Sigilai Department of Political Science and Peace Studies, Kisii University
  • Dr. Ungaya Cotty Godfrey Department of Political Science and Peace Studies, Kisii University
  • Dr. Pia Okeche Department of Political Science and Peace Studies, Kisii University


Public Participation, ECDE Policy, Policy Implementation, Structures, Effectiveness, Representation


Public Participation structures play a critical role in Early Childhood Development Education Policy Implementation.  Despite the importance of structures as domiciled in the law, public participation structures are yet to be fully actualized in the various levels of the government and specifically in ECD at county level. The purpose of this study sought to examine effectiveness of public participation structures on ECDE policy implementation in Bomet County, Kenya. The study is anchored by principal-agent theory and new public management theory. The study used mixed research design to explain interaction of study variables. The study targeted 1356 ECD teachers, 678 head teachers, 2034 Executive PTA and BOM and 12 County Education Officers who have been participating and managing past participation sessions. A sample size of 364 respondents was used. Data collection instruments included questionnaires and interviews. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics which were presented in form of tables, frequencies, pie charts and narrations.  Findings of the study indicate that ECDE public participation stakeholders are not fully represented in decision making and not involved in participation functions. Representative including special interest groups do not articulate issues affecting ECDE public policy implementation; representative views are not accepted and are not included in ECDE policy development and implementation. Public participation structures contributions are not reflected in final ECDE policy implementation plans. ECDE policy sessions need to be done in a conducive and secure place; participants of public participation need to be provided with facilitation for ECDE development policy implementation. Representative including special interest groups need to be given opportunity to articulate issues affecting ECDE development policy implementation and their views included in ECDE policy development and implementation. The study findings will be useful to the county government, ministry of education, policy makers and others stakeholders involved in ECD as it helps in getting better information on policy implementation when making decisions.


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How to Cite

Edward Sigilai, Dr. Ungaya Cotty Godfrey, & Dr. Pia Okeche. (2024). Effectiveness of Public Participation Structures on Early Childhood Development Education Policy Implementation in Bomet County, Kenya. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 97(1), 169–178. Retrieved from https://www.asrjetsjournal.org/index.php/American_Scientific_Journal/article/view/9566


