Cracked Tooth Syndrome Review
Crack, Fracture, Hopeless tooth , Cracked tooth syndrome , FillingAbstract
Review Objective: The treatment of fractured tooth syndrome (CTS) is extremely challenging, primarily because it requires precise pre-restorative diagnosis and decision-making. This paper examines treatment methods for teeth affected by CTS and proposes a pertinent clinical decision tree.
Recent advancements have revealed that CTS is characterized by the occurrence of incomplete fractures in the original crowns of teeth.
The choice of preparation method and direct or indirect restorative procedures significantly impacts the long-term outlook for the tooth. Nevertheless, the complex causes, intricate diagnosis, and subjective choices regarding preparation provide difficulties in therapeutic care. Therefore, an informed decision tree's guidance becomes crucial. This decision tree should give primary importance to the logical preservation of tooth structure, the optimization of preparatory processes, and the careful assessment of restorative implications and choices. The diagnosis and choices made before restoring the tooth have a significant impact on the complex process of caring for cracked tooth syndrome (CTS). This review examines treatment techniques for teeth impacted by CTS and presents a relevant clinical decision tree.
Conclusion: Tackling the reparative needs of CTS requires a methodical approach. Implementing an informative and universally applicable decision tree can greatly improve daily clinical practice.
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